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Lockcraft Electrical is ideally located at Junction 13 on the M1, only 45 minutes from our customers based in Kettering. We are able to provide fast, electrical solutions for both industrial and commercial customers in this area. We can respond to electrical emergencies, fast as we are only 35-miles away! Whether it’s routine maintenance, emergency lighting solutions, or electrical testing, Lockcraft Electrical can be trusted to get the job done. If you are in Kettering and need an electrician, give us a call, now.

Project type: Electrical installation condition reports and subsequent remedial works
Business: Tresham College Windmill Avenue
Tresham College Kettering is part of the Bedford College Group, they are a key long standing client of ours and we carry out a variety of electrical works at their sites in Bedford, Shuttleworth, Dunstable, Leighton Buzzard, Wellingborough, Kettering, Corby and Silverstone.
This includes many aspects of electrical work ranging from small repairs to large building refurbishments, the installation of structured network cabling including fibre optic cabling, electrical installation condition reports and PAT testing.
At Kettering we have been carrying out the electrical installation condition reports and rectifying any subsequent remedial works at their Windmill Avenue Campus, and at their Learning Centre which is located close to the town centre bus station.
When the learning centre was first opened we carried out the electrical works required to turn it from its previous use as a shop, into its current learning centre format. This included a complete re-wire of the premises and the installation of power, lighting, structured network cabling, fire alarm, door access, intruder alarm and CCTV systems.
Project type: Planned and reactive maintenance works, electrical installation condition reports, and remedial work
Business: Fuller Baptist Church. Kettering
Fuller Baptist Church are a long standing customer of ours based in a town centre location. We carry out planned and re-active maintenance works as well electrical installation condition reports and any subsequent remedial works. We also carry out the testing of their emergency lighting and fire alarm systems, and their PAT testing. This ensures the electrical safety of the building and its occupants. This is an interesting building with the older part of it being the church and the extended part of the building used as a museum, nursery and meeting rooms.
We offer PAT Testing to our customers in line with the “Code of Practice for In-Service Inspection and Testing of Electrical Equipment,” published by the Institution of Electrical Engineers. Each appliance, flexible cable and extension lead will be inspected (where applicable) for the following:
Signs of damage to the appliance or associated cable
Signs of damage or overheating to the plug and associated socket outlet
Correct termination of plugs
Adequacy of cable restraint in plug top and appliance
Tightness of plug terminations
Correctly rated fuses
Suitable earth connection
Suitability of equipment for environment and usage
Susceptibility of trailing leads to mechanical damage
Adequate space around ventilation apertures for cooling purposes
Each appliance, flexible cable and extension lead will be subject to the following tests (where applicable and practicable):
Earth continuity testing
Insulation testing
Earth leakage testing
Functionality testing
On completion of the inspection and testing an emailed report will be generated containing the following documentation:
Detailed asset inventory
Test results (including Pass / Fail status)
Inspection and testing of portable appliances and equipment is to be carried out by suitably qualified and trained personnel only. As such, only personnel holding City & Guilds 2377, as a minimum qualification, are employed by Lockcraft Electrical Ltd for this type of work.
We have done the office and site tools PAT Testing at Tresham College (part of Bedford College Group) and Fuller Baptist church
In need of electrical services in Kettering? Lockcraft Electrical is located only 35-miles away. Call us today for emergency response or comprehensive electrical solutions.
We offer PAT Testing to our Customers in line with the “Code of Practice for In-Service Inspection and Testing of Electrical Equipment,” published by the Institution of Electrical Engineers. Each appliance, flexible cable and extension lead will be inspected (where applicable) for the following:
Signs of damage to the appliance or associated cable
Signs of damage or overheating to the plug and associated socket outlet
Correct termination of plugs
Adequacy of cable restraint in plug top and appliance
Tightness of plug terminations
Correctly rated fuses
Suitable earth connection
Suitability of equipment for environment and usage
Susceptibility of trailing leads to mechanical damage
Adequate space around ventilation apertures for cooling purposes
Each appliance, flexible cable and extension lead will be subject to the following tests (where applicable and practicable):
Earth continuity testing
Insulation testing
Earth leakage testing
Functionality testing
On completion of the inspection and testing an emailed report will be generated containing the following documentation:
Detailed asset inventory
Test results (including Pass / Fail status)
Inspection and testing of portable appliances and equipment is to be carried out by suitably qualified and trained personnel only. As such, only personnel holding City & Guilds 2377, as a minimum qualification, are employed by Lockcraft Electrical Ltd for this type of work.